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Behavioral Health Issues

Concerned your child might be struggling with behavioral health issues? Dr. Amy Dressel, Lauren Hopson, PNP, and the team at Glacier Pediatrics in Juneau, AK are here to provide support, guidance, and management plans.

Behavioral Health Issues In Children and Teens

Childhood and teen years can seem like an emotional rollercoaster. This is due to a combination of growth, physical changes, and life events. Sometimes, though, there is a deeper issue at play. When this is the case, it’s important to seek care for your child. How do you know the difference between what’s normal for a child, and what is a behavioral health issue? And what do you do if you suspect the latter? Dr. Dressel and her team at Glacier Pediatrics in Juneau, AK answer these questions below.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Help?

Most parents that ask this question are doing so in desperation. Something is going on with the child and they want to help – they just don’t know what to do.

The truth is that a child’s emotional outbursts, moodiness, and anger can be completely normal reactions to various things. For instance, they might have gotten into a spat with a friend or they might just be tired. In some cases, it’s more serious, such as being bullied at school. While these things should be talked about and addressed, the reaction your child has is normal.

There are times, though, when these reactions – while they might be triggered by circumstances – are caused by issues such as:

  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia and more

It can be hard to decipher them on your own. One of the first steps you can take is to try to talk to your child to determine the source. If you can’t get them to talk, feel like there’s more going on than they’re saying, or they can’t quite express it in words, start taking note of their various reactions. Try to note what is going on in their life at the moment, such as school tests or a busy week with activities. Schedule an appointment with their pediatrician, provide them with the notes you’ve taken, and express your concerns. They can recommend the best course of action for obtaining an accurate diagnosis or setting your mind at ease that what your child is experiencing is normal.

Schedule a behavioral health evaluation with Dr. Amy Dressel, Lauren Hopson, PNP, and the team at Glacier Pediatrics in Juneau, AK by calling (907) 586-1542 today.


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